Awesome breakdown and tracking of her Gilbert's amazing journey. Based on your analysis of how this mental model applies to your prior OGT subjects, it seems like a person can either be a jackhammer, a hummingbird, or both.
Can someone be neither, and then is the important thing to know which one we (think we) are?
I like that thought. Yes, I guess getting meta about it, there's a difference between who you are and think you are. But in this case, maybe who you think you are is what matters, and that you can change that? But I also don't think she thought that far into this.
I think, like most dichotomies, it's just an attempt to temporarily simplify the world to see if that perspective shift can change how you think about a given problem. In this case, I think her main point was just showing people there are other options and if you don't know your passion out of the gate, you're OK.
Awesome breakdown and tracking of her Gilbert's amazing journey. Based on your analysis of how this mental model applies to your prior OGT subjects, it seems like a person can either be a jackhammer, a hummingbird, or both.
Can someone be neither, and then is the important thing to know which one we (think we) are?
I like that thought. Yes, I guess getting meta about it, there's a difference between who you are and think you are. But in this case, maybe who you think you are is what matters, and that you can change that? But I also don't think she thought that far into this.
I think, like most dichotomies, it's just an attempt to temporarily simplify the world to see if that perspective shift can change how you think about a given problem. In this case, I think her main point was just showing people there are other options and if you don't know your passion out of the gate, you're OK.